CV Now.

If you know the song the title references British music points to you!
Just a quick post today.
I am in the process of constructing different CV’s (or resumes) for different industries. So I decided to go back and tidy up my teaching resume which I must say is now looking a hell of a lot more professional thanks to the help of Claire and a mate of mine. Whether it will open the door for me to the teaching world, who knows.
My diary I'm using for all my work and social media dealings. Thank you Typo.

My diary I’m using for all my work and social media dealings. Thank you Typo.

Secondly, I put together a very tidy resume for non eduction related things. Using my experience, I put forward some key characteristics that may be looked kindly upon in other industries, tying it with my history of school teaching. I’ll be honest, it could probably do with some work or some experience in other industries, but it is a good start based off where I am at the moment.
To get all this done I used ‘The Guardian’ as a good reference point, they had a great article outlining different CV set ups for different goals. I used the ‘Changing Career?’ template, but they have ones for graduates, promotions or consulting. I’ll leave a link below to the particular article.
Now is the next step, the most nervous step for me. Actually putting myself out there as a person to be judged. Keep checking back to see how the job search goes.
Until next time.
I just googled ‘motivational quotes’ and found another great one to go with that I feel applies.
“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”
Link to the Guardian Article I used:

The Big J List.

So with another day of no work I have decided that I should start putting the gears in order to start looking for a job that involves a passion of mine.

With that in mind I jotted down a couple of ideas below.

My list.

My list.

Over time, things will be added to this list and taken away.

Now, I know what some of you must be thinking… “Keegan, my friend, those are some of the most competitive fields out there, you may struggle”… Now when I look at that, I understand that it may be an uphill battle and a struggle.

However, I don’t want to look back at my life and see that I invested my time into a profession that I am not passionate about, and I would hate myself if I didn’t give myself this chance to have a go.

I understand that for the foreseeable future I won’t be rolling in luxury cars or dining on caviar out of the navels of Arabian princesses (I don’t know why they are Arabian). Interning, starting on the bottom rung doesn’t bother me at all. I am willing to take that hit to get somewhere I will ultimately relish getting up in the morning and going to work.

This is where I get the shameless plug at the end of my blog and ask if you know of anyone that could even just point me in the right direction whether digitally or in the city of Melbourne, please leave a comment, or contact me on Twitter, and I will be more than receptive.

I actually just received a junk email, not news obviously, but there is a small quote sitting at the bottom of it I thought really relative in this journey of mine.

“If plan A doesn’t work. The alphabet has 25 more letters. Stay cool and keep smiling”

Until next time.

I don’t have a particular set of skills…

I know the last posts have strayed off my usual topic of nerdery and other things, but for my own personal well being and sanity I have decided the last couple of blog posts have been more about me and what is running through my head.

Of course these don’t have the appeal to most people and may register as a “skip this” post which is fine also. I’m not going to sit and make you examine my life through your eyes, in the same way I’m sure you wouldn’t make me sit through your existential life crisis.

I have been having second thoughts on the teaching side of things in my life lately. Just frustrated with the lack of opportunity out there, but I went all into that in my last post if you want to put yourself through that, give it a read.

My darling fiance on the other side of the world sat me down FaceTime style and gave me a challenge. “Why don’t you look up all the areas passionate about and look for work in them?” I’m not sure those were her exact words but you get the picture.

I have had a little reflection on that and started off in a negative headspace, which is where my head seems to completely reside at the moment. With an inner monologue the likes of, “why should I bother? There are probably hundreds of people better qualified than me to work at those type of jobs.”

But then I sat back and thought about it. What is the point of life if you sit around and attempt to work somewhere which frustrates the living hell out of you? Why not have a shot at something you are really passionate about? This isn’t to say I am going to come out the other end of this and be the president of DC Comics, but I can start to make inroads into an industry I find highly entertaining and fascinating, whatever it may be.

So that leads us to the now. While I am going to continue to pursue the throws of the casual relief teacher role. I am going to construct a list of industries that I am passionate about and start to throw my name in the hat, and have a good honest crack for the first time in a long time. I understand that it isn’t going to be the easiest or the most financially reward endeavour I have ever made, but I just want to be happy with what I am doing in this life, whatever it is.

I understand as far as multimedia goes I have been a little slack these past few posts, starting with the next one I am going to be throwing more in.

What to do? A professional crossroads reflection.

I am currently sitting here with a question that needs answering.

What to do with the rest of my life? To paint you a drab picture, I am sitting here with an orange flannel and jeans not getting a day of teaching work and wondering what to do with the future. I am sitting here staring at a screen of job applications, a below par CV and just wondering what has been happening the past 5 years.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love teaching, I really do. I love the interaction with the children and seeing their smiling faces when they walk through that door. I love helping children understand that one piece of information that they have been struggling to comprehend. But to get out there and try and find a permanent teaching role. Well, it is bloody hard work. I also understand the amount of hard work each and every permanent teacher has put in to get where they are, I do not want to play that down at all.

I get drips of CRT (supply) teaching but at 26, I was hoping I would have this all figured out.

I look around at the people who are my same age that have settled jobs, making a solid income and not having to worry about the next pay cheque and if I can pay my rent or bills for the next month.

Now, people are going to say “Oh woe is me, you have travelled around the world accrued teaching experience from another country and have been to places people only dream of seeing.” This is all true and I cannot deny that I have been extremely lucky to have a supportive family who have encouraged my travelling and adventures.

Please don’t mistake this for a whinge or cry over my life, because I have had an amazing time. This is just a mere reflection on what to do next. I have major anxiety over the future. Will I be able to own a house? Will I be able to support a family? Will I be able to live comfortably into retirement? All things that I shouldn’t worry about in my mid 20’s, but I really do.

Now I find myself at a road block in teaching, I just need to find that sledgehammer to smash my way through that block. Do I go back and try to attain some more teaching qualifications to widen my experience? Do I pack teaching in entirely and try something new? Do I become some sort of pirate and live off the treasures of the sea. Who knows?

This is just a thought piece because I have a lot on my mind and can’t vent to anyone in my general area at the moment. This wasn’t written for anyone but myself, but if you have gotten this far thanks for indulging my anxiety and reading on.

This isn’t my greatest writing piece, I am hoping to jump back on this and get as many things posted as possible.

Marvel Movie Madness: Dates and information of upcoming films.

HHMUJRAGNYJFFEG!!! This was my and everyone’s reaction on the internet when Marvel at their event yesterday in Los Angeles released the line-up of movies and dates they drop for the near future, this doesn’t even mention the likes of Avengers 2: Age of Ultron and Ant Man which are due for release next year. There are some of your old favourites and some new character offerings by Marvel Studios.

Captain America 3: Civil War – May 6, 2016
Doctor Strange – November 6, 2016
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 – May 5, 2017

Thor: Ragnarok – July 28, 2017
Black Panther – November 3, 2017
Avengers 3: Infinity War Part 1 – May 4, 2018
Captain Marvel – July 6, 2018
Inhumans – November 2, 2018
Avengers 3: Infinity War Part 2 – May 4, 2019

As you can see the likes of Captain America, Thor and the successful Avengers franchise make a return, however there are some other titles there that will be new characters fleshing out the Marvel cinematic universe such as Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Captain Marvel and Inhumans. Not too much is known about these movies but little bits of information have been drip fed to us all over the internets, so I will elaborate and condense all the information we have to this point down below.

Captain America 3: Civil War- As you can tell from the title, all indicators are pointing to a link between this movie and the Civil War arc of the comic books, without putting massive spoilers about the plot in, Robert Downey Jr has signed on to appear in that movie, which would mean it looks like they may be using the comic as a point of reference for the movie.

Courtesy of Marvel Studios

Will Captain America 3 deal with Age of Ultron fallout??

Doctor Strange: We now know that everyone’s favourite “Sherlock” Benedict Cumberbatch is close to, if he hasn’t already signed up to be the Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange. I am hoping this will not push back even further the new season of Sherlock. Ignoring that, I am excited to seeing him don the cloak; his mannerisms I feel will suit Doctor Strange to a tee.

The new Doctor Strange

Black Panther: Concept art of the suit has been released (which I must say looks awesome) as well as the announcement that Chadwick Boseman has been cast to play him. We also know that Black Panther will be playing a part in Captain America 3.


Courtesy of Marvel Studios

Black Panther concept art

Avengers 3: Infinity War Part 1/Part 2: As you can see the 3rd Avengers film much like the last Harry Potter movie has been split into two parts, usually I would be really annoyed and frustrated by this. However, in this instance I think it suits it perfectly; more Avengers action on my movie screen is O.K with me. This will also give the story arc with Avengers vs Thanos time to mature and build up tension. Speaking of Thanos, there has also been a small clip of him been released with him possessing what looks like a completed Infinity Gauntlet in his hand, which makes him look even more menacing.

Thanos and his Infinity Gauntlet art from the comic book

Not much is known about the other films at this time, however when information drops I will be writing about it and discussing it here.

This information has really just got me even more stoked for the new Avengers film next year to the point I have gone back and watched the trailer another 3 times this morning, god I am a sucker.

Has this information made you more excited for the movies ahead? You over and done with the Superhero movie genre? Will the Marvel vs DC movie war be as bad as the “Console Wars”? Let me know.

Suns still searching for Gold.

With the Essendon supplement saga continuing to attract the unwanted attention of the AFL public, one issue that is close to my heart has been left with little to no media coverage, and that is the Suns coaching situation, which has both its positive and negative points. The Suns have been left to their own devices to find the new coach in their own time, but in saying that, the lack of attention doesn’t allow Gold Coast supporters such as myself much insight to the thinking of the club. I feel like us, as a supporter group are being left in the dark about what is going on.

Who wouldn’t want to coach this guy?

For a club that already faces an uphill battle to generate the 20 000 members that it set itself to have by the end of 2015, any media that is generated by the club about what is going on and where the process is at would be welcome attention, in my opinion.

Guy Mckenna was shown the door by the Suns board on the 30th of September, it has been almost a month and in the eyes of the people on the outside of the club, it seems like nothing has been done. I’m sure people have been spoken to, and a shortlist has been written up, but in almost a month that seems like not enough has been done, I am all for the process taking time, but is it taking a bit too much time? As soon as that awful press conference with the Suns chairman John Witheriff was delivered recruiters should of been on their phones looking for that ready made replacement. Instead all we are hearing are maybes, or this person might be interested.

Worst. Press Conference. Ever.

As far as the candidates that are rumored to have been sounded out, the list isn’t one that overly impresses me too much, Bolten, Eade and Dew are the best of the bunch being murmured and would be decent replacements, but I don’t want a “decent” replacement. I want that elusive coach with premiership experience, the one that has been to the big dance before, and that man is Bomber Thompson. I hope he has been approached directly by the club. I realize at this point in time it is very unlikely that we will get him into the club, but I would like to see us at least inquire directly to him and ask the question, and not sit back and wait for him to approach us.

I know Bomber, I’m scared too…

Gold Coast will be fine, we are hardly at panic stations, I just believe we could have executed the whole process of finding a new coach better.

What do you think about the way the Suns have gone about it, do you think they have done the right thing? How would you do it differently?

FIFA 15 Career Mode Entry 1: ‘Stoked’ to be manager

Since I have been pretty engrossed in FIFA recently I thought I would make a bit of a career mode diary for a new Career I started, hopefully once I come into a bit of money to upgrade my laptop and buy a recording device I can turn this into a Youtube/Twitch thing, but at the moment I am going to have to stick to the written form. Just a bit of background information, I am not too crash hot at the new FIFA currently so I am playing on professional, I turned off the transfer window to start the season as a bit of added realism, and I am going to simulate the friendlies and the Capital One Cup, but play all the others. I am going to try and get a couple of games an entry in, except the first where it will be purely opening up the career mode. So without further a do I bring to you the Stoke City career mode:


Entry 1: ‘Stoked’ to be Manager

‘This city deserves a better class of football, and I am going to give it to them. Tell your players they work for me now, this is my team.’ (Keegan Best, 2014…. with a little bit of movie inspiration)

So its 2014, and this team has been sitting in the middle of the table for far too long, with no improvement in sight, always safe but no signs of trying to push on, it seems that they are just happy to be stuck, well that isn’t how I get it done.

I have a massive list of players that I want to bring into the squad to improve it, to give the people of this fair the city the team they deserve… But unfortunately the board left it way too late to bring me into the fold and I won’t be able to make any transfers until January!

So, great, I have this team of goobers to use until January… That makes it slightly harder, but I will persevere. I also get a notice from the staff that suggests that they want me to purchase a new striker, well its a bit late for that now lads, could of told the old manager about that…

The board also comes at me with their demands, a mid table finish. Wow, way to shoot for the stars board, don’t worry I’ll be aiming for a top half table finish, perhaps even a Euro league spot. They would also like me to make it to the quarter final of a local cup competition, I think that can be done rather easily.

So now, is the all important team make up, I need to create something that is half way competitive and will get me through to January.

I have made 2 teams, one is going to be my primary XI, and one is going to be my fitness/cup team.

Stoke City First XI

Arnautovic (77) – Diouf (78) – Bojan (77)

Ireland (76) – Adam (73)

N’Zonzi (74)

Muniesa (72) – Huth (76) – Shawcross (78)(C) – Cameron (73)

Begovic (82)


Stoke City Second XI

Assaidi (74 ) – Crouch (75) – Odemwingie (73)

Whelan (73) – Palacios (69)

Sidwell (74)

Pieters (73) – Teixeira (61) – Wilson (72) – Bardsley (72)

Butland (73)

Reserve Players:

ATT: Alabi (61), Nardiello (60), Waring (57), Skapetis (56)

MID: Moses (75), Walters (70), Ward (57)

DEF: Wilkinson (72), O’Reilly (57)

GK: Sorensen (71), Eve (58)

Out on loan:

MID: Edu (71), Shea (68), Ness (64)

So that is the situation at the moment, the first team looks pretty filthy, and could be so much better. Charlie Adam will be one that I am looking to replace quick smart, also Cameron and Muniesa really need to be replaced ASAP. However, in all the filth that is the Stoke City playing list, there are some diamonds.

Diouf, Bojan and Arnautovic are all class up front with Assaidi being a decent back up. N’zonzi, Shawcross and Begovic all provide some decent coverage on the defensive side.

Everyone else: consider yourself expendable! (Except Crouchy, wouldn’t give you up for the world mate.)

Well, there you have it. An opening to my career mode, who do you think I need to be scouting and targeting in January?Also do you think there are any improvements I could make to to the teams or the diary itself? Let me know.

Wanted: Gaming Convention Advice!

Yesterday, I let out that tiny little excited squeal when my tickets for PAX Australia arrived, the kind of squeal you would expect from a teenage girl if One Direction were to appear on the television.

So here’s what this little blog post is about. I have never been to a pure gaming convention before, I have been to pop culture and comic book conventions in the past that have little gaming blocks here and there but never a whole convention dedicated to it.


PAX Ticket: So flippin’ excited!

So this is where I need everyone’s help: what should I be looking to do when I go?

Have heard there is a FIFA tournament, do love me a bit of FIFA, or should I be more interested in checking out the new games?

So I am leaving it up to you guys out there to help me out! What should I be doing? Are any of you lads and ladies going to PAX in Melbourne?

Board Game Bonding

This one is for all you board game nerds out there.

Firstly, I have to thank my girlfriend for coming across this. We are both new to Melbourne and were looking for a way to meet people and to do something a bit different. So Claire came across a group that run a board game meet up at a pub down town, what more could you ask for, a couple of pints, meeting new people, good pub food and of course, good board games.

I’m not one of the most out going people, but after settling into a game of Love Letter early on, a game that I know very well Claire and I were meeting people and generally just enjoying ourselves.

We arrived at 12:30 and didn’t end up leaving till around 6:30, and ended up playing a whole variety of games from card games, to more strategy orientated games.

A couple of the new games that I played that I got really into were Tsuro, which involved placing tiles to move a dragon counter around the board to survive, rather easy to pick up, but a lot more deeper strategy involved. Another game that I ended up playing was King of Tokyo which is a dice based strategy game which was all about atomic monsters ruling over and destroying other monsters, there isn’t one word of that sentence I didn’t like.

Image courtesy of

Tsuro: Very simple, and simply fun.

Image courtesy of

King of Tokyo: Just look at it!

So, what am I saying here? If you are wanting a good jumping off point and do not have many friends that are into board games, days like these would be an awesome place to start and meet people who have a mutual interest as you.

More specifically if you are in Melbourne, this is the site of where the meet up that Claire and I went to

Do you do meetings like this for other things? What are some of your favourite board games to play?

Arrow, Season Opener ‘The Calm’: Thoughts, Spoilers Ahoy!


Having just watched the new episode of Arrow, I am pretty happy with the way they have decided to kick off the season.

Let’s get the big news out of the way first, with Sarah having 3 arrows put in her, and falling numerous stories suffice to say, Arrow has killed off another one of its prominent characters.

Firstly, with Sarah just turning up out of the blue, I wasn’t sure what they were thinking, just running in unannounced and helping Arrow deal with the bad guys, having a quick chat to Oliver about his personal life, a quick meet up with her sister and then BOOM, put down.

Image courtesy of The CW

For now, R.I.P Sarah

I knew the show would of wanted to start off the new season with a bang, and through out the episode there were times that I had thought other members of the Arrow crew were in jeopardy, with Felicity in the restaurant, Diggle with his incoming child leaving him open to perishing to further the story and even Laurel walking through that darkened ally towards the end seemed vulnerable before seeing her sister plummet to the ground. I think it is an interesting choice of character and only time will tell if it will pay off, but knowing she is part of the League of Assassins and the girlfriend of Nyssa, stuff is bound to get a bit messy.

Arrow -- "Sara" -- Image AR302b_0375b -- Pictured: Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen -- Photo: Cate Cameron/The CW -- © 2014 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Image courtesy of The CW

“Who of my loved ones will be killed off next?”

The other parts of the show were also pretty interesting, I’m really not into this whole Oliver/Felicity thing and found myself cringing every time there was a romantic moment between the two. So hopefully they move away from this quick smart. With Ray Palmer entering the scene, there may be a new person for Felicity to latch her wagon to, especially with him offering her a new job.

I’m starting to get pretty over Vertigo being a ‘thing’, however with the introduction of the fear compound, maybe an opening for Scarecrow to be introduced (however for me, nothing will top Cillian Murphy’s Scarecrow from the Nolan Universe).

The flashbacks from Hong Kong didn’t explain a hell of a lot, but I think I will enjoy Oliver being off the island for a little bit, a change of scenery never hurt anyone, and a possible Katana sighting.

Lastly, I’m glad to see Roy as a working part of the Arrow quartet now, as opposed to the Mirakuru jacked individual for the majority of last series. He seems to be pretty handy with a bow now, and has some class moves on the battlefield. Hopefully we see episodes in the future which involve Roy a lot more.

Image courtesy of The CW

Keep slapping water Roy, your time will come.

‘The Calm’ was a really nice foundation for hopefully what is an excellent season of Arrow to come. I am excited to see where they take this season and who the main antagonist will end up being.