
A is for America


Well, what a great way to begin my Alphablogging series, with America.

Now I know some of you may jump on me with technicalities, i.e it is the United States of America and so on. To those people I say, write your own letter based blog.

Quick American Facts:
Population: 317 865 000
50 States (One night I played a game with my housemates and named 41 off the top of my head, accomplishment, I know)

To cut a long story short, I love America. Having lived in America for 5 months, There are so many positive things I can say about the place, and of course I will bore you with the details below.

It has so much cultural and geological diversity. You can go from the snowy mountains of Utah and Colorado, to the harsh deserts of Arizona and Nevada, to the rolling forests of Oregon it just has so much to offer. The places to see are in abundance, and I have had the luck of already visiting places like the Grand Canyon and The Golden Gate Bridge.

Obviously living outside of America you see a typical stereotype of the American person depicted by the popular media of TV and movies, but Americans are so much more than a stereotype, they are a friendly, kind and warm people, and the vast majority are accepting of all cultures that traverse its land.

It is the pop culture centre of the universe, Comic Books, Video Games, Television, Movies, a lot of these things are based in America and in American culture, I’m sure all these things will come up as my alphablogging series comes around.

My Girlfriend and I have also put plans in motion to drive the Lincoln Highway from Times Square, New York to San Francisco, California. She has been lucky enough to already do Route 66, and I was keen to get a road trip under my belt. From doing a small bit of research, it travels through such a vast array of states, such as the popular ones of California and New York, but also travels through the not so traveled states of Iowa, Nebraska and Wyoming.

So, if you have any suggestions of places to stop and visit on the Lincoln Highway leave a comment, or hit me up on Twitter: @keeganbest

So that is it for A in the series, if you have completed the 1st year of your schooling education I can only assume you know what will be next, until then.


Nicholas Cage knows his alphabet, and so do I.

I only hope my version of the alphabet is going to be as entertaining.

I am always looking for something to write about, something to get me to actually think a bit outside the box.

So, I have decided to undergo a challenge.

This was inspired by my lovely girlfriend who has started this process and I am going to follow suit (I will put a link to Claire’s blog down below)

The next 26 blogs that I post will be based around a letter of the alphabet, starting with A is for Archaeology and finishing at Z for Zamboni. These topics are examples, my knowledge of historic relics or ice grooming machines is rather low.

I hope that this series of blogs is more successful than the Nicholas Cage classic, Next.

Follow me on Twitter: @keeganbest

Claire’s blog: http://24hoursfromhome.com/

TableTop- A social experience.

This is something that I have wanted my entire life.

It could be world peace, it could be Arsenal to actually win another cup, but boys and girls this it.

I want a weekly board game night. That’s right, I love board games, and thanks to the above series, I have found a whole host of new board games to buy.

I have been watching Table Top for about 6 months and fucking love it.

People will call me sad, people will call me a socially inept geek… But, I would rather spend an evening rocking Pandemic or Say Anything at home with some beers and mates, than end up at a club with a sticky floor, loud terrible music, and sweaty people rubbing up against me.

My lovely girlfriend and I have already committed to the typical board game room.

By the way, watch the series, it is great fun and you may find that part of you that enjoys and revels in geeky board games.

Lets organize a board game night sometime (this offer is unfortunately limited to Australian participants only).

I will probably be “red wedding’d” after this.

Firstly, enjoy how I made red wedding a verb?

So the new season has started from Game of Thrones. I can tell because every second person has decided to clog my Facebook and Twitter feed up with it.

Someone knowing my love for all things TV and nerd had come up to me todau and said “Oh, you must be excited about Game of Thrones!”

I stopped, paused and pondered and then replied.

“I actually don’t enjoy it THAT much”

I’ll take a second as you process this as you clean up the blood splatter from your head exploding.

Now don’t take this as a hate speech on it, I actually don’t hate it at all. I have watched the first couple of episodes a while ago, and it was alright, it just didn’t resonate with me on a deeper level. I can’t pinpoint why this is? If I was to boil it down to a singular reason, it is the fantasy/medieval setting. I have never been a fan of that setting, I don’t find it interesting or enthralling at all.

I find myself more excited over stuff like ‘House of Cards’ or ‘Orange is the new black’ coming back. But what does this say about me? 

One day I may find the time to actually catch up with the whole series. But until then I will be the tramp on the outside looking into a warm goose dinner that is the Game of Thrones universe.

P.S I know I used a GOT reference at the start there, but even not seeing it, thanks to the kind people of Twitter and Facebook I have had it spoiled for me and understand what happens on that fateful blood coloured marital celebration.

Walking Dead Meme #1

Walking Dead Meme #1

Just came across this epic meme on the IGN comment section and had a good giggle to myself for a good couple of minutes.

Just saw the last episode of the Walking Dead for this season.

Thoughts? I reckon it was a pretty good episode to finish after some awfully slow episodes coming before it. Rick showed how brutal he can be to survive and protect his family.

Terminus? Well there were enough clues to suggest what the deal with these people are, but we will have to see it play out on the screen.

And now the long abyss of television kicks in for me until around October when proper seasoned television starts again. Also, before I get ridiculous amounts of fan boys and girls getting at me, I do not enjoy the medieval caper, thus Game of Thrones is not worth it for me. However… I still have House of Cards season 2 to get through among other series that require me taking to them with enthusiasm.

Maybe they might register for a meme or post sometime.

Walking Dead Dad (and looking for a job)

Just a tiny update on what’s been the go and why I have been quiet over the past couple of weeks. Firstly, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to everyone that reads this little spiel about my life.

I am currently updating myself on the current Premier League scores and great to see (for all you Football nerds out there) Arsenal are going to be top come new year, and it will be interesting/stressful to see if we can go on with it for the rest of the season and not do the ole Arsenal fade away.

I am currently on the job hunt, looks like lying on the beach, playing FIFA, League of Legends or Magic the Gathering (not together) is not a career. So I have stepped onto the interwebs and have started at Seek to look for some resemblance of work. I am yet to decide if I want to do the teaching thing, or try something else? It worked so well for me in London, so I may have to put some more thought into that. Though, if I could have lived off working in the Blues Kitchen cloak room I would have probably preferred to do that instead. I am looking at some jobs which are involving social media and blog writing, which could be something right up my alley, but we will see. I am still currently holding up for Travel presenter, but as the days roll by, I think that the chances of that shrink.

Also received some awesome presents over the Christmas break. My favourite would have to be the pair of Pacman Havs (flip flops for the uneducated out there) that I received; my White/Black Heroic deck is starting to really take some shape. Hopefully you all cleaned up well too.

Lastly, part of this little update for each and every one of you, is an update about my Dad. Well, it isn’t an update since I have never told you about him. He is 53 Caucasian male, originally from Ulverstone in Tasmania, and works in an office doing things I have absolutely no idea about, likes sport, so pretty much, your average middle aged man. The reason I had to give you a bit of a backstory to this was because it makes the next part of the story so awesome, might I say a #nerdvictory.

I had recently downloaded the second season of The Walking Dead video game (#Forclem). Amazing episode, really enjoyed it, suggest anyone reading this to stop reading NOW! Go onto your Steam, PSN, Xbox Live or App store accounts, download the game, play the awesome 2 hour episode and join us back here…..

Done it? Good! Isn’t it amazing?!

Well I had an inspired moment and thought, “You know who loves awesome storytelling, interesting characters and also a fan of the Walking Dead television show, my Dad.” So I went up to him and asked “Would you be interested in playing The Walking Dead video game if I downloaded it for you?” He looked up all confused and said “OK?” with a sort of bemused look about him. So I grabbed his iPad and downloaded the first episode of season 1… FOR FREE!  Love free things. So the man sits down and begins to interact with this story, abot Lee and his struggle to survive the zombie apocalypse. Now this kind of game is perfect for people who don’t engage with games that often, and here is why in a couple of short, sharp statements.

  1. It is super linear, so there is no chance of getting lost or confused.
  2. If you get your face munched off by a Zombie there is no repercussions, you just go back to the start of the encounter.
  3. No confusing button combinations or movements, it is pretty straight forward, point and click, and occasionally a very tame quick time event here and there when you need to avoid zombies, bandits, your sister etc.
  4. Voice acting is quality and engaging, story is emotional and gripping.
  5. Making dialogue choices, giving a unique (to a point) experience when communicating with other people in the game.

There are probably other reasons that I am missing. Anyway, he sat on the couch for a good hour, iPad in hand actually engaged with, enjoying it and occasionally jumping at certain points! I take that as a #nerdvictory if there was ever one. So in conclusion, if you haven’t played the Walking Dead video game, you are doing a disservice to yourself. Secondly, once you have finished pass it off to your partner, parents, brother or sister, because if they are a fan of the show, comic or just enjoy an awesome story, The Walking Dead is an amazing jumping off point.

So I know this was only supposed to be a small post, but I did get carried away with my Dad actually playing The Walking Dead! Hopefully he may be a future guest on my video blog, which is coming along, I promise! I can use my actual camera to record to a pretty decent quality, I have been looking into the editing part of the videos, and what programmes to use, if you have any suggestions let me know. Also if you have any other slight nerd victories, or you can suggest any other video games that are awesome for beginners to the video game world, share in the comments below, let me know on Facebook or Twitter also which I will put down below also.

Have an amazing new year, and hopefully 2014 is an awesome ride for you.

Twitter: @keeganbest

Facebook: Keegan Best

Cultured Nerds (and other random updates)

Well I don’t know if all this spare time is a blessing or a curse. On the one hand I get to do all the things I enjoy doing (indulging in a PS4, walking down to the beach, getting stuck into League of Legends, writing, listening to podcasts and taking photos). But on the other hand I am running low on funds and you know in this world, money is usually a useful thing to have with you, plus I do not own a car at the moment which makes getting anywhere outside a 30 minute walk away very frustrating. Thankfully I have a very understanding Mother and Father so I am depending on the kindness of my family. I honestly feel like I am back in high school, no job, no car and living at home, who knew at 25 I would be back here, next I am going to have packed lunches left outside my door. Well, focus on the positives I get to do this, which doesn’t pay for anything (yet), it is extremely enjoyable and keeps me entertained through these long days and nights.

Before I get onto the main point of today’s post, I am just letting you guys know; I am thinking about putting a couple of video posts of the blog up. Now I do enjoy the written portion of this, but as a change up once and while I was thinking a video might be nice, so I am going to look into this further down the track, you have been warned  ;).

So, I decided to go a different route, my last entry was the start of an ‘epic’ trilogy of entries about my life and times in London and Europe, which I will get around to finishing. But for today, I decided to put a bit of a piece together about something else, and I will keep you on the edge of your seats about what happens next. I will get back to my ‘Migration Musings’ in a later entry of the blog.

So as I said in a before post (which you should totally go read below, Marvel vs DC Movies) everything that is posted here, is my opinion and my take on the world. If you don’t agree with me, more power to you, and I would love for you to try and change my opinion please do. I will put my Twitter and Facebook details below for you all.

I was listening to the Nerdist podcast recently, which I do enjoy immensely; Chris Hardwick is an absolute God in my eyes, with what he has been able to do, and create. If you get a chance and haven’t been really interested in podcasts, the Nerdist one is excellent, they interview people from a range of different fields from Matt Smith to Mel Brooks to Stan Lee, and you get a massive insight into the differing worlds of these people in their fields. Anyway, in this episode he was talking to another favourite of mine, CM Punk, professional wrestler, former WWE Champion. Punk was talking about his teenage years and growing up in Illinois in the mid 90’s, and he was mentioning about how he was seen as the outcast because of the things he found interesting and was into, professional wrestling, comic books and punk rock among such other things. His story continued, and he went on and talked about how the emergence of Green Day made him more popular in his school. As Green Day made it as a band and became ‘cool’ and ‘popular’ and more accepted in the culture at the time, it changed how CM Punk was seen through the eyes of those people who were living in that culture bubble at that time, because he was at the forefront of the trend.

Now this really got me thinking, how can things such as that can change so quickly? There has been no greater example of this than the Superhero movies that have started to grace our screen more and more regularly over the past 15 years or so, starting with the X-men and Spiderman films, to more recent films such as Thor 2, and the new Guardians of the Galaxy film due out next year (which looks awesome btw). If you were to come across a person reading a comic book 20+ years ago, the usual comment from someone in the wider community would be “You Nerd/Geek” said with a tinge of superiority by the person, because of the pre-conceived notions of comic books. These days, with the introduction of these movies, comic books (in my opinion) are becoming more and more socially acceptable. Is this because movies are seen as a more socially acceptable form of entertainment? And if they are, have they dragged the format and ideal of ‘superheroes’ to become a very popular form of entertainment. Are they still seen as ‘nerdy’ or ‘geeky’?

Another example of this would be The Walking Dead. It started as a gritty and brutal survival horror comic created by Robert Kirkman. It focuses on the stories of a group of survivors led by Georgian police officer Rick Grimes, as they try to survive the zombie apocalypse. Now, after the comic was released and developed a solid following, AMC picked it up and have turned it into a wildly popular television show. The show uses characters and settings from the comic, however the story is treated differently, characters are developed differently, and people are written out at different points of the story. The TV show has shot the franchise to popularity, spawning video games, board games and the comic series is still going strong 100+ issues in. Again, a comic series has inspired a massively popular show that is now appealing to the wider TV viewing community. Would ‘The Walking Dead’ as a whole be considered nerdy/geeky?

Probably the largest example of how nerd/geek culture on our screens is’Big Bang Theory’. A sit-com about 4 ‘geeks’ trying to fit into a 21st century world, and how they deal with everyday problems, with constant references to nerd culture ideas and interests. This show is arguably the most popular sitcom on TV at the moment, pulling in ratings similar to Friends in the late 90’s/early 00’s, showing that people are becoming ever more interested in this differing lifestyle.

As time moves on, the line becomes more blurred between popular culture and ‘nerd’ culture; I only outlined a couple of examples. You could delve into video games also as a great example of the impact on society (COD, GTA).

Well, that is just something that had been playing on my mind. As I said above I will work on another European post and have that up (hopefully) by the end of the week. Again, if you want to discuss anything I have said, or just see what’s going on with me, follow me on twitter (it has been a lot of Ashes things recently, destroying England), but you don’t read this blog for sports news ;).

Twitter: @keeganbest

Facebook: Keegan Best

Migration Musings Part 1

Just a foreword, I wrote this a couple of months ago and never got around to publishing it on the blog, I think I’m going to put this into 3 parts. So this would be part 1. Enjoy!

So that’s it.

2 years of London are over. Right off the top I would love to say if anyone reading this can take one thing away from this blog, it’s this: travel is one of the most amazing things anyone can ever do, whether it is living in another country or just visiting, it is something that I recommend anyone does.

For people who might not be up with my story of travel it is a very simple one. I moved over to London at the end of 2011 with a good friend of mine, not really having any idea where we were going to live, not having many close friends and only really knowing of a couple of teaching agencies we could get jobs through. All we had really was hope that we could make something worthwhile from it. We pulled up to Camden, which might I add, is still a favourite place of mine 2 years later, and moved in with our huge massive suitcases into our hostel.

Now, here is something I wasn’t prepared for, and the first slap of reality I got when my friend and I started looking to set up our lives. You have so many things to organise that I never realised. Now I had lived in America in the past, but that had always felt like a 5 month holiday, living with some Aussie girls meeting other people who were very much in the same frame of mind. This only dawned on me when I received a comment on all my America photos from a friend’s mother “In every photo I see you in, you always have a drink in your hand”, this was very true. Everyone living in South Lake Tahoe was there to work on the snowfields, and at night you would be getting really boozy, for 5 months it was great, could I live like that forever? It would probably do my head in.

Setting up a London life you needed to find a house, get a National Insurance number, get a new phone, set up a network of friends. All these I took for granted living in a city and a country that I had lived in for 17 years of my life, to start over is bloody hard work. At this point I would actually really like to thank my friend Rebecca, for better or worse in those first 2 months she was pretty much all I had. When we were searching for houses, getting real life things sorted, she would always take the lead in it all and get me motivated and cooking the dinners before I could actually figure out how to mix ingredients into an edible meal. Now, spoiler alert for the rest of the story, are we as close today? Probably not, we have made our own friends, set up our own lives, done our own things, but I can’t be thankful enough for her helping me through my first months in London.

So we get organised and found a house in Kentish Town from, (my opinion) a real dodgy renting agency in North London. The house itself was alright, had my own room, and had a kitchen with one chair and one lounge chair sitting in the middle of the room with our own separate mini fridges and also a large bathroom that had looked like it had been warped by some sort of time vortex. This is where we started our first days of working out of. Getting up at 7am, sitting on the edge of my bed waiting for a phone call to be told where we would be working today, and then wandering around a very new city trying to stumble across the school you are supposed to be teaching at. This was also the house that I met my first mates in London. 

At this point we got some rather disturbing news, because of that international splendour called the Olympic Games, everywhere in London thought they could make a cheap buck off it. This is where my questionable renting agency decided that they wanted a piece of that pie; they tried to raise my rent by £20 A WEEK! Scum really, but from what I have heard as life has gone on, they weren’t the only ones. There is no way I could afford this, and this is where I had my first thought of “What the hell I am doing here?”

So this is where I will cut this part off. Obviously you know how this story ends, but feels good to be putting this down.

Marvel vs DC, a battle of the box office?

Inspiration comes from the weirdest things. Sitting here reading the absolute amount of garbage that spouts out of people’s mouths on forums and comment sections about what console they prefer… ‘PS4 is daaaa beeeesssstttt, Xbone this…, fuk you PS4’ and so on. My mind was brought around to other factions that are really the yin and yang of their chosen fields (depending on what sides you prefer, or actually are on). Examples such as Coke vs Pepsi, Horde vs Alliance, Batman vs Joker, a dominatrix and their submissive, without one, you probably wouldn’t have the other (have tried to put a reference in that everyone would understand 😉 ).

DC Comics and Marvel, 2 forces that together have a very strong hold of not just comic culture but popular culture in general, their characters, ideals and references are intertwined throughout our lives and media that we observe every day. This small piece will look at the opposing factions based in the cinematic arena only. I feel I do not know enough about both comic book universes fully enough to compare the 2 at this point in time; however I am currently ramping up my comic book reading. Just finished Harley Quinn Night and Day (Harley is a favourite of mine in the DC universe), and now have some Superman upstairs just calling me to read.

Remember, this is an opinion so if you agree, disagree or want to berate me for my lack of comic book knowledge and not enjoying what I ‘should’ be, hit me up on twitter which I will put at the bottom.

Both companies realise one thing, they are unable to just rely on just the comic book community, and are constantly looking to include the wider community, rather than exclude them when making these movies, so diluting the intricate sub plots that are found throughout the comic book universes is needed, much to the chagrin of some. This does 2 things, firstly it raises brand awareness with more people watching the product which both companies would love, and this is something that any person in marketing will tell you, it is so important in today’s saturated market this also leads to the second point which is obviously the money side, more brand awareness, more people deciding to make that increasingly expensive trip to the cinema. Who doesn’t like a few extra 0’s on the end of a pay packet? As much as it angers and deranges people, money makes the world go round.

With all the above in mind, I have one question that is posed in this blog…

WHICH ONE IS BETTER? My answer is both, they both are very good at what they do, and they know exactly how to get the magic off the page and onto the screen, but do it in totally different, but successful ways.

I feel DC are in the market for more epics and classics (Dark Knight and Man of Steel, which to be honest I wasn’t a fan of) while Marvel are enjoying their action with a simple plot linking together epic scenes to wow the audience (see Iron Man 3 barrel of monkeys sequence and Avengers New York shenanigans).

Which is doing it better? Who knows.

I do think this though, Marvel seem to be really picking it up. Ever since they opened Marvel Studios and have stopped selling their IP’s to places like Fox (see X-men, Spiderman, Fantastic 4, Daredevil *shudders*, not sure if F4 it is Fox owned however) and handling the content themselves (with the help of Disney) they have been going from strength to strength. Other than Iron Man 2 which was average in most people’s eyes, the Marvel films focusing on the Avengers cast is a far stronger product than the Spiderman, F4, X-men franchises that are being handled by Fox at the moment. They can make their own movie and not be constricted by another company suggesting or deciding on different casting/plot devices, Marvel are playing by Marvels rules. They live and die by their own sword now, which is what is best for their movies going into the future.

Switch to DC now, who after 3 widely successful Batman films, Watchmen, a film which is popular but also has its detractors, one terrible Green Lantern film and have now moved onto Superman. The first movie seemed solid enough and now this Superman / Batman film in 2015. DC are obviously (through comics and now translating into movies) more gritty, adult based, plot driven universes, whereas the Marvel movies as suggested above are a lot of action with simple plots to follow. DC do the plot driven focus so well, Watchmen was a great look from another angle at the genre of ‘Superhero’ while Batman was a dark adaptation of ‘The Caped Crusader’, and his struggles of his role in Gotham and being the protector it needs. DC do that so well. Their mistake was trying to do a Marvel film in ‘Green Lantern’. Wise quipping Ryan Reynolds as the protagonist, attempted one liners, the attempt of adding humour. It doesn’t really suit the cinematic DC universe, DC need to stick to, and hate to use this phrase again ‘plot driven’ experiences.

Both do something different, and you know what, they do them so well. It is so hard to compare. What’s better? What’s worse? It is, always has been and always will be in the eyes of the movie goer of the public.

So there it is my little dissection of the movie industry in under 1000 words. I haven’t even gone into the TV realm yet and that maybe for another time. Have actually really enjoyed writing this little piece, and are probably looking to do more in the future. So for now leave all your rage agreements or thoughts to my twitter, facebook or comment below.

Find me on twitter: @keeganbest

Comic Sans presents a ‘Bioshock Infinite’ Review

Now I realise this is about 2 weeks late but I still want to make my opinions felt on this game, I won’t however give you my opinion right now, if I did that it would make the rest of this review about as useless as a (insert your own comparison here), so read on, even if you aren’t a video game connoisseur. This game may change your mind.


Cover Art

Bioshock Infinite is a first person shooter from the Irrational Games studio; they first took us to the underwater city of Rapture in the absolutely brilliant Bioshock and the less than brilliant Bioshock 2. Their 3rd installment takes us up into the clouds and into the floating city of Columbia.

Story Time:

Set in 1912, you play as Booker Dewitt, a battle hardened private eye who has a debt to repay and has been sent to Columbia by an unknown entity to repay this debt by collecting a girl from the city and returning her to New York. Sounds simple right? Well, when you are first dropped off at an eerie dock, which resembles a scene from an episode of Scooby Doo, you may be rethinking your train thought, even more so when you enter said light house… However I am going to try and keep this review for you as spoiler free as possible so you can enjoy the story for yourself. Well one way or another you will arrive in the city of Columbia where you will be transported to what is a beautifully constructed and rendered ‘city in the sky’.

When you get there you will see that there is something a little off about the city, you will notice in the city there is a very white dominate culture, that people of colour or other blood descendants (Irish) are relegated to second class citizens and poverty. You also notice the large amount of religious monuments dedicated to what it appears to the founders of the United States, showing almost a return to white supremacy in 1912 (an example of this early on in the game is 2 statues, one depicting Abraham Lincoln in a negative light with snakes for freeing the slaves, while another showing a large monument worshiping Abraham Lincoln’s assassin, John Wilkes Booth). There is also a ‘prophet’ by the name of Commstock (the antagonist in the plot) who seems to be perpetuating this religious system of suppressing other cultures and religions. After a couple of trials for Booker, you eventually stumble onto the other protagonist within this story, Elizabeth

Without spoiling too much for you, Elizabeth is young girl that has been raised alone under the watchful eye of Commstock, and away from the public. When you meet her you will notice she has some very unusual powers and abilities at her disposal which will be key to the story and also be able to help you with your travels with her throughout Columbia. Your first meeting with her is one of the best introductions to a character I have ever experienced, from the voice acting, to the actions and facial expressions she shows, and from there on, she doesn’t disappoint through the plot.


Elizabeth: One of the greatest characters in any game


The art style of Columbia is absolutely gorgeous, from the grand design of the buildings you can see in the background of the city, to the locals who populate this amazing city. When you are walking your way through the city I implore, nay I demand that you do not just rush from point to point to continue the story, as you will be missing a MASSIVE amount of beauty around you. Half the game I just spent running around just exploring every point, every picture, every propaganda poster, every area that is on offer to you and I am so glad I did. On top of just admiring the surroundings, when you step off the beaten track and explore other rooms or locations you will find an item called a Voxaphone recording which lends itself to fleshing out the story so you can attain a higher understanding of the main plot. Irrational Games have done an amazing job of capturing the feel of a grand large city through the art direction, and making the player feeling immersed. Also one of the main parts of the immersion is the NPC’s, the conversations and voice acting by some of the characters is nothing short of amazing, and a main reason I couldn’t pull myself away from the game.


Columbia: a floating city in the sky


To the people of who have played the previous incarnations they will be very aware of the combat system that is very synonymous with the Bioshock series. To those who aren’t aware of the gameplay, on the right hand is the general shooting with a variety of different guns, ranging from pistols, rifles, machine guns and RPG’s to name a few. As you progress you will come across more complex and creative weaponry, such as the ‘Heater’ which is a long distance fire based shot gun that can burn and put down one or many enemies in an area. On the left hand, you will have a variety of powers, which are called Vigors, they give you the power to do a variety of moves, at the cost of Salt. If you want to throw fire balls at the enemy, you can. If you want to take an enemy or a turret over to take your enemy down you can and (my personal favourite) you can summon Crows to attack and stun the opposition and do set yourself up run and grab any health or ammo you may need, or get up close and melee them to death with a brutal and satisfying finishing melee strike, which is just about my favourite part of the combat. The Vigors can also be mixed to create some nasty combos e.g. casting crows then a fireball to create a flaming crow attack. These can be found mostly through trial and error.

The enemies you will be opposed with can be a handful, but might I quickly add are some of the best and most quirky designed enemies that I have ever seen. You have your regular grunt that will be brandishing a variety of weapons; obviously as you get further into the game they will have more powerful weaponry that will cut you down quicker. You will have men who are also infused with Vigors which makes them tougher to take down. You have the amazingly designed and wacky Patriots which look like mechanical George Washington’s that brandish the American flag on their back and a crank gun in their hand. Lastly, you have the ‘Handyman’ which is a massive hulking cyborg which are very challenging to take down, they only have melee attacks, but they are extremely fast and if they hit you prepare to extract each and every one of your teeth from that wall he just planted you in. He is especially difficult on hard setting, and unless you use both your Vigors and weaponry to come up with a clever way to hit the small weak target in his chest, you will find yourself on Struggle Street fast.

The last piece of gameplay which I enjoyed immensely was the use of Elizabeth, unlike other games when you have an AI companion that is as dense as a plank of wood that you have to protect and escort, even though they seem to have a sexual attraction to bullets and danger, Elizabeth is different. She is capable of looking after herself and you don’t have to worry about her health or protection. She is also very handy for 2 main reasons. Throughout the course of a battle you may be running low on health, ammo or salts, at random intervals she will offer to throw this to you to stock you up on the particular item you need, all done by simply pressing a button when prompted to(she will also give you money at random intervals too, what a girl!). Her second function is using her powers to spawn a variety of different items for you to use from an opposing dimension when prompted to. She will sometimes spawn turrets  cover, ammo, medic kits anything that may aid you in the course of battle which I think is such a smart innovation which allows you to attack a situation in a variety of different and creative ways that won’t be the same as other people who have played the game. An example of this would be spawning puddles, and then the enemy is standing in them, shocking it with your shock Vigor to put a heavy amount of damage on an enemy.

Overall I feel the combat is slick and smooth. With the inclusion of Elizabeth into battle and the use of different Vigors, there are a variety of different ways to attack a situation which is very fresh for anyone playing the game and could allow for you to play a certain part of the game over and over to see the different ways you could solve an issue.

The Negatives:

To be fair the only negative I can draw from the game is the pacing in the middle. In my opinion the game does seem to lose track a little in the middle and drag. You would reach a point for instance and you would be like ‘oh sweet can’t wait to see what happens next!’ Then all of a sudden something would happen would need to have a needless fight with waves and waves of enemies without progressing too far, without really extending the story any further. But I digress, if that is my only complaint; take it that everything else in this game is of the highest quality.

My Conclusion:

This game is one of the best games I have played in years. The way the characters and especially Elizabeth is created, handled and molded throughout the story is so thoughtful and endearing that I couldn’t put my controller down, and made me actually care for what happened to her. I find it very hard for a character (be it TV, Movie, Game) to grab that sort of emotional reaction from me (since Clementine from the Walking Dead game). Her voice acting is immaculate and her story and characterization is stellar. The combat and presentation are both what you would expect from Irrational Games and the Bioshock title (ignoring Bioshock 2 of course), it looks gorgeous and plays almost seamlessly. The story also has a very twist within the game, which you can sort of see coming, and at points you will be walking through an area, or hear a piece of dialogue and go ‘WTF was that all about?’ but at the end it is all tied together pretty well and will have been well worth your time.



I defiantly recommend this game to anyone who has a gaming console or PC, it is well worth your time and will be one of the games of this year, easily.

So that is my review please leaves a comment if you agree/disagree/want to take me out. You can like it, or share it on Facebook it would be so much appreciated as I have put a fair amount of time and effort into this. So thanks for reading.
