
E is for England

Yeah, I haven’t been as active as I would have liked to be recently, the university is a harsh taskmaster and thus time has been limited, but regardless we are up to E in our Alphablogging experience, and to be honest it is one of my favorite topics to talk about, England (just ask my friends).

England, why would I be qualified to speak about such a place? Well, living there for 2 years gives you that sort of insight.


English Street Beverage

I absolutely love the place for so many big and small reasons. I was based in London, which in itself is just a cultural stew, so many different people and things to do. There was never a dull moment in the place, from going out in Dalston, to scouring the comic book shops of Central London, to going to see a Premier League game, to playing AFL with my Aussie brethren over there, it was always vibrant and there was always something to do.


Emirates Stadium (An Arsenal win that day)

Of course though, England just doesn’t finish in London, there is a big, wide, country out there, and I did my best to get around to a variety of different places, Liverpool, Bath and Oxford just to name a few.

Of course the major benefits of the place in general is that it is a gateway to the rest of Europe, you are always about a 3 hour plane flight from a vastly different culture and climate. Spain, Poland, Iceland, Italy, all vastly different places and all able to be visited one Ryanair flight at a time.


Totally Owning the Seas

Last thing I would just like to briefly mention, if I could just personalize this blog right up for a second is the people. The people I met there were a great bunch of lads and ladies, ranging from Irish to Spanish to American and back to other Australians (sorry if your particular ethnicity was so crudely ignored), especially the current long distance English girlfriend, Claire, that is living a whole hemisphere away, she rocks my world from half a planet away.


Family away from home, London Swans AFL Football Club, great bunch of lads

If you haven’t ever been, I implore you, GO! If not to live, for a visit. It will be one of the most amazing place you will ever be and ever see.