Matt Smith

D is for ‘The Doctor’

So, if anyone here is thinking I am referring to the medical specialist, you would be so very disappointed.

I am of course referring the Steven Moffat produced Sci-fi series, Doctor Who.


Matt Smith: The 11th Doctor, Image courtesy of Limelight Magazine

Now, hold on to your hats fans and first time people to the ‘Who’ universe as I try to explain the plot in a few sentences. The Doctor is a time lord, a time travelling humanoid alien. This is made possible by his time travelling device, the T.A.R.D.I.S (Time and Relative Dimensions in Space), which is desgised as a British police box. He also has a device called a Sonic Screwdriver, that seems to be the answer to everything in the universe, bar wood. Through his adventures in time and space, he is accompanied by a variety of ‘companions’ (most recently  it is usually very attractive British women, impeccable taste). One of The Doctor’s defining features, is after he comes to the end of his life, he ‘regenerates’ and generates a new look and personality.


The T.A.R.D.I.S, image courtesy of Wikipedia

I am a relatively new person to the Doctor Who universe, having really only got heavily into it in the past year, but I have enjoyed it immensely. I have currently gotten through the Matt Smith episodes as of a week or so ago. I am now going to go back and watch the David Tennant (The 10th Doctor) episodes as I have been told by a vast majority of my friends and the internet that he IS the best Doctor of the modern series, I have also seen the 1996 Doctor Who movie, which I was kinda ‘eh’ on. I have also seen some of the 80’s and 70’s episodes of Doctor Who on the Sci Fi channel, I don’t know if I can handle these, but I may make an effort one day.


Clara Oswald, a companion, image courtesy of

One of my all time dreams, is to make the trip to San Diego and visit a Comic-Con one of these years, I have already planned my costume for this fateful day. I am going to be going as the 11th Doctor, I already own the suit for this (thank you charity shops). All I need to make it complete is the bow tie and the Sonic Screwdriver. I already have wrangled my lovely girlfriend to dress up as Amy Pond for me, luckiest guy ever.

I am, along with many other people are currently waiting for the new series to begin soon with an older Doctor, Peter Capaldi becoming the 12th incarnation of ‘The Doctor’. I highly recommend anyone reading this to go and watch a couple of episodes, especially if you are into your Sci-Fi. It is strangely addictive, and at times have found myself getting through four 45 minute long episodes in one sitting. One of the many things the UK has seemed to get so spot on perfect.