One Piece

C is for Comic Books

So I must say off the top, I am not a hardcore reader of comic books. I am not frothing at the mouth at my local comic book establishment waiting for the next new release. I would describe myself as a ‘casual’ reader. I usually go for the graphic novel or compendium set ups to read a series, and find myself buying books once every month or so. That however is not to say, I do not enjoy the art that is the comic book. I also have been known to dabble in the mainstream manga series, such as Naruto and One Piece.

Comic books create vivid stories that only the link between text and pictures can give.

My first indulgence into this was the old school Phantom comic books back when I was about 9. Off the back of seeing The Phantom movie starting Billy Zane. They were easily accessible at my local news agency and Mum was all too willing to keep me entertained on the local shopping trip by giving me something to look at and engage with.

My next big moment with the comic book came from the back of another movie (I am starting to see a correlation here), the Scott Pilgrim series, this got me back into the scene during my adult years. Now it isn’t necessarily a ‘challenging’ read, but it is something simple and fun that resonated with me at the ripe age of 21, relating with Scott in the story (outside of the 7 deadly ex’s deal and cheating on girlfriends).


Scott Pilgrim, art by Bryan Lee O’Malley

Current time, at 25, I am currently going back and looking for recommendations from people who are more heavily involved readers. I have gone back and read older Batman installments like Year One and The Killing Joke, to more recent releases such as Superman: Earth One, The Walking Dead and Harley Quinn: Night and Day.


Batman, The Killing Joke, art by Brian Bolland

As far as a list for future reads goes I am continuously being suggested other series such as Y: The Last Man among others.

I am always looking to extend my reading, so if you have any suggestions, please leave a comment or tell me on twitter, @keeganbest.

EXTRA SANS: I was shown this article by Claire and I thought that if you are a reader interested into getting some books of your own, go check out for some great suggestions.